Virtual Comedy Shows and Outdoor Comedy Shows Through the Pandemic - They've Been a Wild Ride!
We have been having so much fun with our virtual comedy shows here at U Streat Comedy, but now all of the shows that are taking place through the pandemic have been a walk in the park. While it has been inspiring to watch artists of all sorts adapt to the parameters COVID has presented us with, a few of them have been, for lack of a better word, VERY WEIRD!
As we start our new outdoor comedy show in Astoria, at Alewife Sunnyside Brewery (which is socially distanced, heated, safe, and FUNNY), we thought we would ask some of our favorite comedians in the city about the weirdest comedy shows they have done through the pandemic.
Feel free to reserve a ticket to our show, which is every Thursday at 7PM right here.
Here are what New York comics are saying about their weirdest pandemic comedy shows:

Usama Siddiquee - "One time I did a Christian outdoor show. It was terrible. The only thing less fun than comedy in a church is comedy right outside of a church. I did a joke about making out with my girlfriend and they turned the mic off. Worst outdoor show I've ever done!"

Katie Boyle (Producer of our show!) - "I did a show in a park and as I'm on "stage" (grass) a man's two dogs got away from him and he chased them around me in circles mid punchline. Then he slipped, and his dog poop bags flew up in the air, which unraveled themselves all around us as he sat on his arse beside me. My comedy could not compete with that!"

Stephen Campbell - "My weirdest show was definitely on Zoom. It was a roast show that someone's girlfriend had paid us to put together. I already get uncomfortable roasting people, because why does someone need extra strife throughout all the things going on? His girlfriend assured me that he would love it, and had his friends / family fill out a questionnaire of his embarrassing moments. I wrote some jokes about how he still sleep walks and pees in the closet from time to time, and opened the show with it. He was SO offended that someone shared that information with a total stranger (Which, of course he was!), and I crumbled under the pressure. I just complimented him for the rest of the set, and throughout the show, he kept interrupting to ask "Who the hell told them this?" We ruined his birthday, but at least we got paid."

Chanel Ali - "My weirdest pandemic show was on the roof of an ice cream shop in Brooklyn. Helicopters were flying around literally heckling the comedians. It was cold, felt super illegal during my set like I was begging for cops to shut us down but still, every distanced seat was filled. The crowd had the energy that I don't always feel when I'm at comedy clubs doing a big production. They were grateful. They recognized the obstacles we were overcoming. When they laughed they closed their eyes, let go of their stress, and escaped for a moment. Plus they delivered ice cream orders right to your seat. NYC lives!"

Courtney Maginnis - "I would say my weirdest pandemic show was on a rooftop in Williamsburg. It was a hot crowd, a great view of the skyline and perfect weather. I was the first comic up and as soon as I walked "offstage" the cops burst through the roof door and kicked everyone out. I will say timing of it all absolutely made it seem like I called the cops to make it a one woman show!"
Come on out to our comedy show this Thursday and every Thursday after that. We promise to make sure our shows are the best of the best, because we have learned from the worst of the worst!